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Posts published by “uomatters”

Phil Knight donates $500M

9/21/2013: For cancer research at OHSU, if they can match the gift within two years. In the Oregonian. In other news, Nike refuses to release information on its political contributions. In the Oregonian. Given the comments so far, here’s my opinion, fwiw: I am an expert on charitable giving, and I…

Provost Scott Coltrane on faculty union contract

Sept. 20, 2013 Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement To:           University of Oregon faculty members From:      Scott Coltrane, interim provost On September 18th, the University of Oregon (sic) and United Academics reached a tentative agreement on a first-time collective bargaining agreement. The Union has scheduled a ratification vote of the bargaining unit faculty…

Update, Coltrane on faculty obligations if staff strike

9/19/2013 update: Provost Coltrane on the faculty’s obligations (legal, not ethical) if the UO staff strike: Date: Sept. 19, 2013To: Faculty   From: Scott Coltrane, Interim Provost   Subject: UO preparations for possible strike   OUS has received notice of intent from SEIU to strike with a projected strike date of September…

Summary of AEI Situation

9/18/2013: Update from an anon correspondent: Summary of AEI Situation AEI Background: A majority of international undergraduate students pass through one American English Institute (AEI) program or another. AEI collaborates with other departments to enhance the international students’ academic success, and to a large degree, the students’ future academic success…

Update: Latest Rudnick, Kraemer, and Julius invoices for union bargaining

9/17/2013: UO’s GC Randy Geller is hard at work, building trust between President Gottfredson and the faculty with these latest redactions: 8/7/2013: Full pdf here. It took 2 months, $214.50, and a petition to Lane County District Attorney Alex Gardner to get UO General Counsel Randy Geller to produce these.…

University agrees to raise salaries to comparators, signs contract with faculty union

9/17/2013: More on the EWU plan, from Colleen Flaherty at EWU The 2010 Coltrane/Lariviere plan would have got UO salary averages by discipline and rank to the levels of comparators by fall 2013. So it was the same as the EWU plan, but allowing merit differentials within departments. Gottfredson was…

Department Heads’ Retreat – Booster’s aren’t going to give for academics.

Thanks to the faculty who wore wires, and the underpaid web workers at the Mechanical Turk for their transcriptions. Many pages of details after the fold. I’d say the most revealing parts are when Provost Coltrane and his VP for Finance Jamie Moffitt reveal that UO’s well is far from…