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Posts published by “uomatters”

Union salary proposal description

Posted on their website, here. Merit: In the bargaining process, we will be introducing an integrated and robust set of salary proposals for all faculty at the University of Oregon. These include multi-year efforts to systematically correct the salary differential with our AAU comparators, correct inversion and compression, create transparent…

Updated with minutes: Senate Agenda for Wed 12/5 (revised)

12/5/2012 Update: Thanks to the UO Matters governmental affairs correspondent for the following unauthorized Senate minutes: Pres G reads from hand written notes again. He could not have shown more enthusiasm that the faculty union bargaining has started: “We are committed to the same things…. It is going very well……

Coach sues NCAA for libel over infractions report. O’Fallon to sue UO Matters next?

12/4/2012: It takes a heavy hand to enforce the NCAA’s rules against letting college football players get any of the fruits of their labor. UO’s Faculty Athletics Representative Jim O’Fallon sits on the NCAA Infractions Committee that wields the lash – and he was lucky he recused himself from this particular case. The…

UO and private money

12/3/2012: Dash Paulson has a well balanced article in the ODE. Meanwhile Rob Mullens still won’t produce the Robin Jaqua gift letter, which he claims allows the athletic side to keep all the proceeds from her $5 million gift for Jock Box tutoring. And check out this story on how the University…

Chip Kelly to leave UO for Eagles, Mullens to pay off overhead bill.

12/1/2012: That’s the rumor from the coaches’ hot tub. If true, Kelly’s contract requires him to pay UO $2.5 million. VPFA Jamie Moffitt will make sure this goes directly to the academic side, to cover the AD’s 3 years of overhead underpayments, and reimburse our students for half this year’s Jock…