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Posts published by “uomatters”

Oregon gives Nike $550,000

From the RG, here. It’s a special allocation from the state legislature, to help the Oregon Track Club pay for security at the Track and Field Olympic Trials. In totally unrelated news, the Springfield school district budget committee is meeting Thursday to figure out how to deal with cuts in…

Kitzhaber to UO: Drop dead.

Two new OUS board appointees. From Bill Graves in the Oregonian: James Middleton,  president of Central Oregon Community College, will replace Preston Pulliams,  president of Portland Community College, on the board beginning July 1. Orcilia Zuniga Forbes,  an experienced higher education administrator who most recently served as vice president of…

Smashing particles with a 4.0

5/22/2012: A University of Oregon summer college prep program for under­privileged middle schoolers ally-ooped a Springfield teenager into the loving arms of Bill and Melinda Gates — who will pay for her college education from freshman year to doctoral degree. … “Particle physics,” she said. “What I really want to…

Constructive engagement

A reader asks: What can UO Matters do at this critical juncture in the search process to create a constructive environment?  How can UO Matters help market the UO to potential presidents? What can be done now and in the next months and years to foster engagement between the faculty…

May 9 2012 Senate meeting notes

Update: Archived video of the meeting is now available, here. It cuts off before the public records debate, meaning we have no public record of Hubin and Berdahl’s rationale for subverting UO’s public records process. Peter Keyes’s clear presentation about the union is there though, along with Berdahl’s rant. 5/10/2012:…