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Posts published by “uomatters”

Everybody gets a car!

6/3/2012: Bob Berdahl says UO can’t afford to give a few $200 fee waivers for public records requests anymore. And UO’s “self-supporting” athletics department can’t pay the $2 million a year that they are spending on athlete only Jock Box tutoring, so Jim Bean is taking it from the regular…

49 percent appointments

6/3/2012: A quick and dirty search finds ~160 unclassified 0.49 FTE appointments – meaning people with a large UO commitment, but no UO health benefits. I don’t know what proportion are faculty, but it’s clearly significant, and this will likely be an important issue for the CBA.


Update 6/3/2012: I’m sort of slow on this, but I’m wondering if the OC can even make the decision to open up their meetings. It looks to me like United Academics is currently a branch of the AAUP/AFT, with no legal standing of its own. Here’s the signature for the…

Yes, tuition to increase

Update: 6/1/2012: Colton Totland reports in the RG that OUS has figured out how to pay for Provost Bean’s beamer and sabbatical, and Pernsteiner’s mortgage too. Still no plan from UO to increase faculty hiring or build new classrooms. Pathetic. 5/30/2012: The ODE reports: The University will submit it’s proposal…

Enough pecksniffian cant, you fascist blethering guttersnipe of a cad.

5/29/2012: At the most recent UO Senate meeting President Rob Kyr announced that Pres Berdahl had asked him to appoint committees to address three issues: conflicts of interest, personal attacks, and leadership. Don’t get me started on the UO administration’s surplus of conflicts of interests and their shortage of leadership.…