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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO bosses defend pay raises

9/3/2011: That’s the headline of today’s RG story by Diane Dietz: When University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere returns from today’s football game in Texas, he will have to produce a report justifying why the UO gave pay raises worth about $1.9 million a year to about 390 administrators several…

"The Fall of the Faculty"

9/2/2011: is a much talked about book by Benjamin Ginsberg at Johns Hopkins on the growing power of administrators. He has a long summary in the Washington Monthly: Between 1975 and 2005, total spending by American higher educational institutions, stated in constant dollars, tripled, to more than $325 billion per…

Sustainability and Diversity

8/30/2011: Sustainability and Diversity are college administrators’s favorite buzzwords. Here’s UO doing something sensible on sustainability: spend $10 million on energy saving features for buildings that will save $500,000 a year in utility bills and reduce pollution. (But read the comments.) So, what would a sensible approach to increasing diversity…

UO’s new "Diversity and Inclusion" hire

Update: How public will this search really be? The ad ends with All communications will be treated confidentially.  Nominations, inquiries, and applications (including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names of five references) should be directed electronically in confidence to [email protected].  For further information, please contact: Kim M. Morrisson,…

OUS reference site

Documents and links regarding OUS, SB242, and SB909 and the Oregon Education Board. Last updated 8/29/2011. General: Kitzhaber’s chief education adviser is Ben Cannon, who resigned from the legislature for the $105,000 job. Oregon Education Investment Board. Est. by SB909, ostensibly controls K-12 and OUS Tim Nesbitt, head. Members to…