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Posts published by “uomatters”

The Texas sky is not falling

8/26/2011: That’s the takeway from Insidehighered‘s report on faculty productivity steps pushed by Governor Perry. They also have short takes today on the College Board head’s fat salary and Utah canceling classes for a football game. And a story about the Youngstown faculty union calling off a strike. The UO…

Staff bargaining situation

8/25/2011: From an email sent to SEIU local 503 members:     The central table agreement for 2011-2013 has been ratified by the DAS and OUS membership.  With over 7300 ballots cast, 77% of voters approved the agreement.  The elections committee, made up of volunteer retirees, conducted the ballot count. The…

Everybody gets an A

8/23/2011: Apparently the average grade in upper level courses in UO’s College of Education is now 4.04. This generic problem at Ed schools is described and criticized in this paper (data shown is from Indiana): This paper documents a startling difference in the grading standards between education departments and other academic departments…

Whistleblowers pay a price

8/22/2011: If you don’t read Willamette Week, the Oregonian, or you probably haven’t been hearing about the recent corruption cases involving administrators from a variety of state agencies, PSU, and Portland City government. Here’s an article on the price the people who blow the whistle pay.

How to diversify UO

8/22/2011: I don’t like the apparent narrow focus on racial and ethnic diversity in this paper, in comparison to a more inclusive definition that includes first in family to go to college and SES. But I suspect the message extends. As reported by A paper presented here Sunday at the…