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Posts published by “uomatters”

Administrative Bloat

12/29/2009: The Budget and Resource Planning people have begun posting pretty detailed expenditure reports at Apparently Brad Shelton, Kelly Wolf and Laura Hubbard are the people to thank for this big step forward for financial transparency.

Provost Bean agrees to meet with faculty about lack of transparency in tenure and promotion decisions

12/23/2009: We’ll post what we learn: From: “James Bean” Date: December 23, 2009 7:56:54 AM [email protected]> Subject: RE: FPC and the Provost This is a classic example of email as a poor medium for disucussion.  I will be happy to meet with whatever members of the faculty wish to discuss…

audits and missing money

12/23/2009: Here’s an interesting story in about faculty hiring independent auditors to figure out the actual financial position of their universities. Apparently Frances Dyke is not the only VP for Finance with negative credibility. Here at UO we hear that Brad Shelton is still trying to disentangle the mess…

UW Provost on Nike Board

12/17/2009: Here’s a long and interesting article from on UW Provost Phyllis Wise’s decision to accept an offer to join the Nike board. I’m not a Nike basher – the way to improve the lives of low wage workers in poor countries is to buy what they make, not…

UW and Nike

12/14/2009: From the Seattle Times: University of Washington Provost Phyllis Wise is facing growing criticism from students, faculty and lawmakers for taking a seat on the corporate board of Nike, which last year signed a contract with the UW worth a minimum $35 million to the university.