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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Gender-neutral family-friendly tenure policies hurt women, help men.

The NYT has the story here: Alison Davis-Blake, dean of the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, said these findings “clearly conform to what I see on the ground every day,” adding that “the extra year for men just disadvantages women.” The problem, said Ms. Davis-Blake, is that “giving…

University provides useful information about relations with state govenment

No, of course I’m not talking about the nicely formatted puffery UO puts out, here. I’m talking about the informative emails from OSU: From: “Mills, Jock” <[email protected]> Subject: [Government_Relations_Update] June 2016 Update Date: June 23, 2016 at 3:25:27 PM PDT To: “‘[email protected]'” <[email protected]> OSU Government Relations: June 2016 Update Following the 2016…

NCAA enforcers prevent UO sprinter from enjoying the fruits of her speed

It seems there’s a UO policy that limits when faculty can assign course incompletes – the work has to be incomplete, but not too incomplete. It’s the job of UO’s well-paid Faculty Athletics Representative Tim Gleason to enforce these sorts of rules for our unpaid “student-athletes”. So they pulled Jasmine Todd out of the starting blocks, This will hurt her future…

Provost Scott Coltrane to retire 7/1/2017, Geri Richmond to lead search

Coltrane recently gave business school dean Kees de Kluyver a remarkably generous golden parachute – 1/2 a Gottfredson, more or less. Will that now be the precedent for Coltrane? Presumably he’ll get a well earned sabbatical year – but at his professor’s salary, or his provost’s salary? The difference is enough to fund a…

UO Bias Response Team v. Journalism School’s Free Speech Champ Tim Gleason

6/6/2016 update: Diane Dietz is here and there will be a recording posted somewhere, so I’m skipping the live-blog. Very glad to see the J-School organize this, and I thought the panel did a good job addressing the pros and cons. It was amusing to hear former UO journalism dean Tim Gleason talk…

Schill’s new general counsel brings in Duck bucks for the academic side – I think.

Scott Coltrane started the first search to replace GC Randy Geller. That didn’t yield anyone better than Doug Park, as explained here. So Mike Schill sensibly started over, offering more responsibility and much higher pay. Job ad here. Finalist #3 was a keeper: Finalist #3 for GCVP: Kevin S. Reed, UCLA. Schedule for Aug 5…

Video of President Schill swinging the UO Mace at blasphemous humanities deniers

Good speech. Diane Dietz has more here. The UO Channel interface is clunky so I’ve put the video on youtube, here: The text of Schill’s “Six Myths” speech is here: … The widening gulf between the wealth of private and public universities mimics the increasing economic polarization of our society outside…