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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Johnson Hall will need new scapegoat for Presidential Archives mess

I gave Doug Park the “zip drive” back in January. UO still hasn’t released a single page. When the Presidential Archives are finally made public it will be obvious that someone has deleted large swathes of UO history and many important documents from the official record – even before Dave Hubin’s PR Office did…

Welcome President Schill

Please join the campus community as we welcome Michael H. Schill to the University of Oregon! You are invited to join the 18th president for summer refreshments and socializing as he begins his first full week with the UO at a special reception for students, faculty, and staff. Date: Monday,…

U of Chicago adjunct law professor accuses Chief Justice Roberts of bigotry, discrimination

7/5/2015: This Posner guy has a decent vitae, he’d probably have tenure if not for his obvious problem following the policy on civility and cyberbullying. No word on whether the law school is pursuing disciplinary action for his comments in Slate, here:

… I say that gratuitous interference in other people’s lives is bigotry.

… The chief justice criticizes the majority for “order[ing] the transformation of a social institution that has formed the basis of human society for millennia, for the Kalahari Bushmen and the Han Chinese, the Carthaginians and the Aztecs. Just who do we think we are?” We’re pretty sure we’re not any of the above. And most of us are not convinced that what’s good enough for the Bushmen, the Carthaginians, and the Aztecs should be good enough for us. Ah, the millennia! Ah, the wisdom of ages! How arrogant it would be to think we knew more than the Aztecs—we who don’t even know how to cut a person’s heart out of his chest while’s he still alive, a maneuver they were experts at.

… Prohibiting gay marriage is discrimination.

6/26/2015: Chief Justice Roberts calls the wrath of Han and Carthage down upon American people

No search to replace Interim VPR Brad Shelton yet, but new Assoc VPRs appointed

Subject: deans-dirs: Welcoming Dr. Cassandra Moseley and Dr. Andrew Nelson to the VPRI Office Date: July 2, 2015  Dear Colleagues: We wish to announce that two colleagues are joining our efforts in the Vice President for Research and Innovation office as of July 1, 2015: Dr. Cassandra Moseley as an…

UO gets short end of legislature’s bond money, but new CAS offices will be funded

From the Oregonian, here. Apparently this list of state-subsidized capital projects is all but final. They did fund a match for the private donations to the “College and Careers” building, which will provide brand new offices for the CAS administration. You’ve got to wonder how that became one of UO’s highest fundraising…