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Posts published in “Uncategorized”


Update, 4/27/2011: One week after my post below, Barack Obama finally released his long form birth certificate. Coincidence? Every other sentient being on the planet may think so, but not me and this other guy with a website. With the help of Donald Trump and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger,…

religion and cheating

4/25/2010: An interesting result from a UO Psych professor, described in the RG: In experiments involving 100 students at UBC, the researchers found that a belief in God doesn’t deter a person from cheating on a test, unless that God is seen as mean and punishing. 

financial impropriety

3/10/2011: Rachel Bachman of the Oregonian has a story on Ethics Point. They contract to state agencies, including OUS, to allow employees to make anonymous reports about financial improprieties. I’ve used this with mixed success. The reports are forwarded to OUS auditor Pat Snopkowski, but she often sits on them…

UO featured in NY Times

3/5/2011: The academic side pays $2 million for the Jock Box tutoring, and millions more for other athletic subsidies. Including the $250,000 for our suddenly very busy Public Records Officer, Liz Denecke. But hey – look what the Ducks do for our national reputation! Two mentions in the NY Times…