2/18/2011: Report from the UO component of the state employee Charitable Fund Drive: The 2010 CFD received 810 pledges in the amount of $251, 083. This is an increase of 30% in pledges and 3% in total dollars pledged compared to 2009. Although the average pledge decreased in 2010, more…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
2/17/2011: From Insidehighered.com. The UW-Madison head says: “In my view, it is dangerous not only for UW-Madison, but for the entire System and the state to have the System administration and the regents oppose the possibility that its flagship campus, or any other campus, be given the tools it needs…
1/31/2011: The Oregonian prints the tragic story of Elizabeth Duncan, the girl who was the victim of Neil Goldschmidt, former Oregon Governor, US Secretary of Transporation, and (briefly) OUS President. She died two weeks ago after a life of drug abuse and mental illness. He is still a well connected…
1/26/2011: That’s according to the new Carnegie Foundation rankings, based on 2010 data. 73 public institutions are in this group. OSU has been it in it for a while, this is the first time UO has made the cut. Nice. It must have been my grants that put us over…
rejected by the Michigan faculty. The interesting part? For faculty members hired as assistant professors at Michigan, tenure is not a certainty. Between 1982 and 2004, 54.6 percent of those hired as assistant professors received tenure, according to Michigan’s office of budget and planning. It is almost unheard of for…
1/25/2011: The Oregon Commentator provides excellent interviews with campus notables in its latest issue. Mostly campus notables who haven’t been on campus long enough to know that they will regret it. Our new Dean of Students, Paul Shang, for example: OC: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has listed…
1/23/2011: From David Sarasohn in the Oregonian. No specifics.
1/20/2011: Once again Nigel Jaquiss posts a confidential Gary/Frohnmayer letter to the DOJ regarding the Long/Hayes/Kitzhaber investigation, probably before the postal service even got it to Salem. Read his WWeek story here.
1/19/2011: I’m not sure who is crazier: The 12 of 127 readers that give Chip Kelly worse than a B, or the 30 of 162 who give Frances Dyke better than a D. Why is she still running the show? Because Provost Bean and President Lariviere want her to. Why…
1/18/2011: Alex Tomchak Scott provides a summary of UO and other news of interest, with commentary. Today we see an Oregonian report on the death, at age 49, of the woman former Governor Neil Goldschmidt sexually abused when he was Portland mayor and she was 14. Tomchak also reports that…
1/6/2011: Pat Kilkenny was hired as UO Athletic Director by former UO Pesident Dave Frohnmayer to push Phil Knight’s basketball arena project through, after Kilkenny made a well-timed $240,000 donation to Frohnmayer’s Fanconi Foundation. Kilkenny then got the OUS Chancellor and board to sell $237 million in state guaranteed bonds…
12/30/2010: UO Prof Richard Sundt takes on the boosters. From the RG Letters: Academic success has other causes In his Dec. 27 guest viewpoint, Duck fan Alex Richanbach is mad at the University of Oregon Athletic Department for telling Glendale game-goers to wear yellow. He nevertheless celebrates the Ducks’ unbridled…
12/22/2010: No, don’t. That would be insane. Not that I’m an expert on charitable giving. I do get asked if we accept donations though. We don’t, unless they are in bottles and aged at least 12 years. Google gives us most of what we need free. Dropbox does the rest.…
From the RG letters section: The Dec. 18 article “UO’s retail revision” suggests a tone-deaf University of Oregon Athletic Department that has come to believe its own hype…. Joe Giansante’s bloated, mercenary vision of the university. He trills that “Oregon is a national brand. Serving fans around the world is…
12/16/2010: Former Oregon Commentator writer Ed Niedermeyer continues to make trouble, but now in the NY Times: “In particular, what Mr. Obama called his “one goal” — having Detroit “lead the world in building the next generation of clean cars” — is nowhere near being achieved. While the idea of…