1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 44 PAST PRACTICES56 Section 1. All practices and policies concerning terms and conditions of employment,7 including all policies, resolutions, and legislation approved by the University Senate, in8 effect on the date this Agreement is executed which affect faculty shall…
Posts published in “Uncategorized” 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 34 SHARED GOVERNANCE56 Preamble7 Oregon state law, the University of Oregon’s original Charter and Constitution, as well as8 long-established practice recognize the vital role of shared governance between the9 University Senate and the Administration, both in setting priorities and…
Note – not yet active! UA Preamble – December 13, 2012 UA Article 1: Recognition – December 13, 2012 UA Article 2: Academic Ranks – December 13, 2012 UA Article 3: Shared Governance – December 13, 2012 UA Article 4: Past Practices – December 13, 2012 UA Article 7: Academic…
Text: UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL PREAMBLE 5 This Agreement, entered into as of the date of ratification, is between the State of 6 Oregon, acting by and through the Oregon State Board of Higher Education on behalf of 7 the University of Oregon, herein referred to as Administration, and United Academics, …
12/20/2015 – to be updated. The promise of $40M in Oregon public money to support IAAF championship: Video of Lananna and Track Town supporters making their bid presentation for 2019 to Lamine Diack and the IAAF. Kitzhaber promising “as much as $40M dollars to support your championships”: Some emails regarding that promise: UO’s…
While UO can’t find room to house its new students, classrooms to teach them in, or offices for the faculty, UO’s VP for Finance Frances Dyke recently made the tough call to spend $2.4 million renovating and remodeling administrative suites in Johnson Hall. Where do you think her office is?…