12/8/2010: UO student and ODE Opinion Editor Tyree Harris has an extremely interesting Op-Ed in the Oregonian on black culture and his place in it. (Thanks to Tomchak for the link.) Being called a sellout because I don’t accept the media-spun perceptions of blackness made me paranoid and uncomfortable. I was…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
11/30/2010: From the IU press office, here. Their previous dean resigned unexpectedly.
The parents are paying $50,000 plus for their kids to sit in a lecture that starts with “telegram” and ends with “kilobyte”. The random abuse from the prof in between is not the real story. Parents are willing to pay this because other parents are willing to pay it. This…
(Werner von Braun, rocket scientist. 1912-1977.) Posting will be light for a bit, because I don’t know what I’m doing.
about voicing your opinion in the polls on the right or in the comments? Don’t be. The NY Times reports, tonight, on a new NLRB case involving an employee who criticized her boss on Facebook: Lafe Solomon, the board’s acting general counsel, said, “This is a fairly straightforward case under…
11/7/2010: From The New Yorker: Then, later that day, the doctors I was travelling with told me that, to insure their own safety while they worked, they had to prove their neutrality by tending to génocidaires as well as to their victims. And I wondered: If these humanitarians weren’t here,…
11/3/2010: After 2 weeks of delays from UO, and a petition to the Attorney General, we’ve now got a copy of new UO General Counsel Randy Geller’s cover letter and resume, here. His employment contract is here – $200K a year. Nice raise. There is no mention in his letter…
11/4/2010: Randy Geller’s resume is now one of our most frequently downloaded documents, surpassing such favorites as Frohnmayer’s golden parachute contract, the Jock Box parking deals with Frances Dyke, and the accounting sheet showing how the athletic department uses regular students’s tuition to subsidize the jock box, and our collection…
11/3/2010: UO’s media relation office produces E-clips every day. Subscribe and you get a daily email with news stories that mention UO. They do a great job – everything from the latest research to the latest athletic funding scandal. No censorship. OUS has a similar service, but they only forward…
10/30/2010: A helpful reader sends what is believed to be a photo of UO’s new General Counsel, Randy Geller. UO will not provide a photo to reporters, or even allow Mr. Geller to be interviewed. More amazingly, nearly 2 weeks since we made the request, UO’s new Public Records Officer…
10/26/2010: UO is looking for an Events Manager for Matt Court. To report to the Senior Events Manager for Matt Court. Job posting here. There’s some boilerplate about being fiscally responsible – bit late for that, eh? – but this part really caught my eye: Experience with AutoCAD is preferred.…
10/20/2010: I heard John Lewis speak a few years ago at UO: “Don’t believe them when they tell you things never change, that you don’t matter. You do matter. America has changed. America is a better country now that it was. We changed it.” Yes. Update: But maybe we haven’t,…
10/19/2010: The Oregon Commentator has been on a binge. Alex Tomchak Scott is publishing daily updates of UO relevant stories, with commentary. Very popular at Johnson Hall, I hear. They also published the best yet inside view of the recent riots, by Russ Coyle (p 18). Their proposed solution? Lower…
will be light until Monday
9/24/2010: The RG reports that the Villard Street Pub will be torn down and replaced by private student housing. Meanwhile, the UO owned Romania car showroom on Franklin has been recommended for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Not kidding. Actually, the website eugenemodern.org has some gorgeous photos…