9/23/2010: The “Dream Act” would have given people who were brought into the country illegally as minors by their parents a road to citizenship. Anne Saker of the Oregonian gives one example: Lopez was 6 weeks old in 1990 when his parents came into the country illegally and settled in…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
9/22/2010: John Hunt has an Oregonian story on the latest in Ducks basketball troubles. They are expected to fall below NCAA academic standards in Spring, and then have their allowable practice time and scholarship support cut – unless the NCAA gives the new coach a break. A commenter points out…
9/21/2010: The new website for the proposed faculty union is a bit sleepy, but has a few new posts. Meanwhile, the SEIU staff union is fighting OUS over the furlough situation: The Oregon University System is refusing to eliminate furloughs for classified workers. OUS Labor Relations Director Rick Hampton and…
8/25/2010: UO Professor Matt Dennis has a good RG Op-Ed about the “mosque” at ground-zero. Putting his name to a piece like this takes a little more courage than talking to the usual campus crowd. It’s also the most important part of the job of being a history professor: Most…
8/21/2010: Sorry, this, from Steve Fainaru in the NY Times, on Mark Yudof, President of UC, has nothing to do with UO matters, but is just hilarious throughout: After the Yudofs vacated the property at the end of June, Brennan Mulligan, the landlord, informed university officials that he intended to…
8/11/2010: there is a sign that UO is moving towards being a normal public institution acting more or less for the public good, with decisions made in the open, on the basis of rules and some sense of shared purpose and central direction. But then I’m always an optimist.
8/5/2010: From InsideHighered.com With backing from the New York State Human Rights Division, Csaba Marosan is suing Trocaire College, saying that the Roman Catholic institution discriminated against him because of his accent (he’s from Hungary) and because he is straight, ABC News reported. The state agency investigated his complaint and…
7/21/2010: Anyone got a good tree care company to recommend – or an unwanted child and a chainsaw? email [email protected] or post a comment. Update: Remarkable consensus among faculty and administrators. Sperry is very good and very expensive. A strong vote for James Cummings tree service, very good, not so…
7/18/2010: Wondering who got tenure this year? Just follow the link from the Academic Affairs website for a complete list. Whoops, that’s for Portland State. Here at UO, that info still seems to be confidential.
requires that they should declare the causes which impel them …. I particularly like how the bongo drummer stands at attention.
6/30/2010: From KVAL. Seems minor but classes are moved for smoke damage.
6/28/2010: From Bill Graves in the Oregonian, last week: Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s order for state budget cuts this week puts Oregon in jeopardy of losing a half billion dollars in federal stimulus money for education. State leaders say they will make sure that doesn’t happen. But that means they either…
6/22/2010: In the NYTimes, Stanley Fish is outraged over what’s happening in Texas: Now an entire state is on the brink of implementing just that bite-sized style of teaching under the rubric of “customer satisfaction.” … the plan calls for college and university teachers to contract with their customers —…
6/21/2010: This has nothing to do with UO, but how often do you get to hyperlink to a newspaper called The Log Cabin Democrat? University of Central Arkansas faculty and non-classified employees will not see the pay increase of 2.2 percent originally pledged to them at a May meeting of…
6/15/2010: Summertime and the posting will be light for a bit.