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UO Matters

Duck PR flack Dave Williford retires, UO reporter Kenny Jacoby wins prize

5/3/2017: Emerald reporter Kenny Jacoby’s stories about the arrests of UO’s student athletes for various assaults got him an award for investigative reporting. UO got even more bad national press when the story came out about how Duck football flack Dave Williford had tried to take away Jacoby’s press pass over his reporting. Now the Ducks are announcing…

Oregon legislature helps the NCAA cartel keep screws on college athletes

This lousy bit of legislation has its 3rd reading in the Oregon Senate today. NYT financial columnist Joe Nocera has the background here on why 18-year-old players ought to be able to contract with sports agents to help them make career decisions, and negotiate with the athletic directors and coaches who will…

State to hit universities with $383K cultural competency mandate

That’s enough money to give 60 low-income students full-tuition scholarships for a year, by topping off their Pell grants. But instead our Legislature wants us to give it to administrators, to write “cultural competency” plans. HB 2864 is here: Who could possibly be opposed to spending other people’s money to preserve…

$600K a year and Rob Mullens can’t even give UO a clean volleyball program?

Perhaps he’s spending his time on Duck sports that pay him a bonus for “competing at the highest level of excellence.” Reporter Kenny Jacoby has the latest Duck athletic scandal in the Emerald, here: Read the story for the really disturbing quotes, and a link to the courageous letter from…

UO spending on racial diversity triples since 2011, consultants cash in

This does not seem to include spending on the UMRP, probably about $1M a year, or spending by the colleges: Here’s a snippet of the 2015-16 Equity and Inclusion’s operations spending. From what I can tell none of it went to help students pay tuition. Outside consultants got $360K for “services and supplies” –…

UO’s minority tenure track faculty are in proportion to available PhD’s

That’s the official word from UO’s Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity office latest AA Plan here. Focusing only on minority tenure track faculty, UO in general has more minority faculty than the available pool of minority faculty, which AAEO defines here: Because of the unique and highly competitive requirements for employment within…