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UO Matters

Female professors outperform men in service – and it hurts their careers

From Colleen Flaherty in Insidehighered: Women shoulder a disproportionately large workload at home in ways that might disadvantage them professionally. But are female professors also “taking care of the academic family” via disproportionate service loads? A new study says yes and adds to a growing body of research suggesting the…

PERS panic

Marc Feldesman has the latest on his PERSinfo blog here. A snippet: … Today brought the latest salvo … in the form of a 52 page amendment to Senate Bill 560, that seems to consolidate the various features of the 8 previous amendments to the bill, while adding a few…

PLC Alert!

From: FS Customer Service Ctr Subject: Notice: Shutdown of PLC heating system for emergency repairs 4/12/17 Date: April 11, 2017 at 9:29:50 AM PDT Building Occupants, The damaged pump which is causing a lack of heat in Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC) will be repaired tomorrow, April 12th. This will…

Thanks to Gov. Brown: Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick loses another client

4/4/2017 update, in the SJ here: PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A state agency has dropped its lawsuit against a weekly Oregon newspaper that sought public records about a man charged in the kidnapping and killing of his ex-wife. … After Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum ordered the review board to…

Mel Streeter

Thanks to a friend for sending me a link to this story by Kurt Streeter, about his father Mel Streeter. Read it all and the obit below, these are just snippets: … My dad, who grew up in Riverside, California, wasn’t just the fourth black athlete to ever suit up…

Adjunct activist & Art History instructor killed in crossfire shooting

InsideHigherEd has the story. I’m no art history professor, but the resemblance is a bit unnerving – down to the hair and glasses: David Wilder, 61, was killed by a shooting in Cleveland when he was caught in the crossfire as three other men engaged in what authorities called “a running vehicular…