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UO Matters

Journalism dean search do-over

Colleagues, We present, for your consideration, four outstanding finalists for the Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication.  Candidates will be on campus for the next two weeks beginning Monday, June 3.  Campus visits are scheduled as follows: Candidate A, June 3 and 4 [Ed: Dave Kurpius, LSU]  Candidate…

UO Board legislation FAQ

Resources and news regarding the 2013 legislation to create a UO Board of Trustees. Work in progress, suggestions welcome. Created 5/17/2013. Last updated 5/29/2013: Hot topics:5/29/2013: Kyr and others are testifying in the Ways and Means subcommittee today. Written testimony here. Supposedly there’s video here: under conference room F.Meanwhile, still…

Puff piece on Matt Donegan

5/25/2013: From Laura Gunderson in the Oregonian, promoting Donegan’s political ambitions. She pitches his steely stand against the UO faculty and boosters at the Lariviere firing meeting as a plus. Doesn’t mention the public meetings law violations or the secret bathroom caucus where he rallied the board to stand firm…