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UO Matters

Why I love Oregon

4/23/2013 update: Harry Esteve of the Oregonian reports that the legislature’s PERS cut / tax increase deal is likely to pass, in part because speaker Tina Kotek bought off a few eastern legislators with easier wolf kill rules. And then he links to this disturbing report on wolf attacks on…

Frohnmayer says drug testing rules for Ducks "probably unconstitutional"

Updated 4/23/2013 with link to full Frohnmayer opinion, here. 4/20/2013. New Oregon Administrative Rule 571-004 took effect March 4, 2013. It allows the Duck athletics department to randomly test “student-athletes” for use of illicit drugs, and take away their scholarships if they fail one test: The program shall also describe potential sanctions…

"No contract, no silly hats" – updated with parking hypocrisy

4/19/2013 parking update: ODE story on faculty union’s unsuccessful efforts to talk with Gottfredson about his bargaining team’s slow pace, here: “It’s important for our representatives to work with theirs, and not to be jumping to different personnel,” Altmann said. “The president signs off on everything that the administration does,…

Grievances and arbitration

The administration and the union have been going back on forth on whether or not “academic matters” can be arbitrated or not. Here’s an interesting story in the Chronicle from a few years back about a professor from Alaska who lost a grievance. His union apparently had the right to…