9/15/2011 update: I asked Mr. Martin for the AA documents on this hire. After a very little back and forth, I got them. They give convincing reasons for the interim appointment. This is a big improvement from the way UO used to handle these things. And I made a comment…
UO Matters
9/6/2011: I’m no economist, but this is about as dumb as government policy gets: lay off teachers during a recession. Oh wait, it could get dumber: do the layoffs by seniority rather than merit. Let’s combine bad short run economic policy with bad long run educational outcomes. Bingo, that’s the…
Oregon has none. That’s according to the just released QS world ranking. Who knows what their methodology is, but I’m guessing football doesn’t get a lot of weight. Not a good sign for Oregon’s future economic growth. We know what Lariviere’s plan to address this problem is – what’s Pernsteiner’s?
9/2/2011: I’m sorry, but there’s no polite way to state that simple fact: More docs on Pernsteiner here. And more on order from OUS. We also pay his mortgage. And thanks to an anonymous commenter for explaining what’s really going on here: The fact is that the UO would like…
9/6/2011: I’ve got no ideas about the EmX vs “more buses everywhere” vs bikes vs electric nuclear-friendly cars debate. But who could oppose people posting signs protesting the EmX expansion, on their own property? The city of Eugene, of course. Mark Baker of the RG has a great story on…
9/6/2011: Here’s a new carefully done study on the effects of matching the races of instructors and students. By three NBER economists with data from a CA community college. As paraphrased by Scott Jaschik at Insidehighered.com: Among all nonwhite groups, the study found a gain of 2.9 percentage points in…
9/5/2011: Back in the day, that was about what I paid for tuition in real dollars, if you forget about that year in the ivy league, which I mostly have. This was not because college was cheap, it was because of heavy subsidies from the taxpayers. Those subsidies are gone…
9/5/2011: That’s one college football coach’s summary of his experiences: “Why did you recruit the guy who shot his roommate with a .22?” he begins. “Well, if I hadn’t, he would have been playing at Notre Dame, Texas or Texas A&M. He was the No. 1 defensive back in the…
9/5/2011: Seems like a good idea. Maybe Melinda Grier and Dave Frohnmayer will team up to bid for the contract: RFP Amendment Bidding closes Friday. Currently the DOJ handles litigation, but SB 242 will devolve that to OUS and the universities.
9/3/2011: That’s the headline of today’s RG story by Diane Dietz: When University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere returns from today’s football game in Texas, he will have to produce a report justifying why the UO gave pay raises worth about $1.9 million a year to about 390 administrators several…
9/2/2011: Sure, but this RG article by Diane Dietz, and the quotes by SEIU member Star Holmberg, miss the point. The union is not bargaining with UO, Jim Bean, or Richard Lariviere. They have no authority over this contract. OUS Chancellor Pernsteiner and Vice Chancellor Kenton call the shots. So,…
9/2/2011: Thanks to Margaret Soltan for the link: Chapel Hill – The chairman of the Department of African and Afro-American Studies at UNC has resigned from the department’s top post amid a university investigation into academic irregularities, possibly involving two former football players. … McAdoo, who was kicked off the…
9/2/2011: is a much talked about book by Benjamin Ginsberg at Johns Hopkins on the growing power of administrators. He has a long summary in the Washington Monthly: Between 1975 and 2005, total spending by American higher educational institutions, stated in constant dollars, tripled, to more than $325 billion per…
9/2/2011: “To have an associate professor who is a member of the Devils Diciples and allegedly dealing methamphetamine is quite alarming. I mean, it’s unusual to say the least,” Sheriff Rod Hoops said.
9/1/2011: Word from some slightly jealous professors down at the UO faculty club is that Phil Knight has invited OSP trooper Ray Stallsworth and Baton Rouge Parish sergeant Don Stone to join him in the Nike skybox at Cowboys Stadium. The FAA refuses to verify whether or not Kilkenny has…