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UO Matters

Everybody gets a car!

Except of course for the players. That would be an NCAA violation. 31 UO employees get stipends for cars, they are all in the athletic department. The RH column is the annual amount in dollars. Name Title courtesy car stipend Abrams, Harold J Assoc AD – Dir of Dvpmt 4800…

Impasse, or vacation time?

8/10/2011: OUS Chancellor Dr. Pernsteiner has appointed his assistant Jay Kenton as the OUS negotiator with SEIU. So Kenton is taking some vacation time. From the SEIU letter declaring a bargaining impasse: We spent much of Monday trying to convince management to join us in telling the governor that the…

we want more children

8/9/2011: From PLoS ONE link here. Nearly half of female faculty members in top science departments wish they’d had more children, but didn’t because of their careers, while about a quarter of their male counterparts feel the same way, according to a new study. This is a large but…

Ohio to try Larivieresque NP plan

8/9/2011: From Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro will on Thursday unveil a plan designed to reduce government involvement in the state’s 14 public universities, giving the institutions more authority in administrative and financial matters if they meet certain performance benchmarks.  … Because the process to date has…

Anon Law Professor blog

8/9/2011: From Scott Jaschik in These days there are enough blogs on the theme that law school is a scam that there are multiple blogrolls on the subject, where readers can pick among First Tier Toilet!, Fluster Cucked, Subprime JD, Tales of a Fourth-Tier Nothing and more. Most of…