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Posts tagged as “Faculty Union (United Academics of UO)”

Union’s take on bargaining progress, Altmann’s ghostwriter

2/25/2013: My live-blogging of the bargaining sessions is mostly sober, but not that reflective: Rudnick seems to be scheming to weaken the Faculty Personnel Committee. Check out last year’s FPC report, chaired by Mike Russo, here. It includes three pages on issues with current procedures, here. Looks like considerable overlap…

Union bargaining VII

Tuesday 2/5/2013, 8-12 AM, top o’ Lillis, room 450. Be there. Bring me some adderall. But, if not, no worries, I’ll live blog it anyway. Meanwhile here’s Dash Paulson in the ODE with the story from last week. Live blog disclaimer: My interpretation of what people said, meant, meant to say,…

The Greeks had a name for these people:

1/11/13: Thanks to an anonymous commenter for the idea. Here’s a clip from the administration’s proposed contract provision for “professional responsibilities”, from the website of their official union matters spokesperson, here.  Rudnick explained this as meaning that our administrators (or as she called them, our “colleagues”) did not want the faculty…