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Posts tagged as “off topic”

Anti-government militia seize strategic migratory bird refuge from feds

The Oregonian’s Les Zaitz has a series of reports, here. The US Attorney’s statement is here. From what I can tell this started about 5 years ago when a rancher SE of Burns decided to clear out some sagebrush with a few unauthorized fires, including one that was apparently intended to cover up some…

Public records reveal scandal over EUG’s Flying People payments

10/22/2015: The one time I try blogging about something that couldn’t possibly involve a public records scandal, it turns out it involves a public records scandal. Mark Baker has the report in the RG here. 10/19/2015: EUG Flying People to depart for LCC? Bob Keefer has the rumor in Eugene Art Talk, here.…

My Dad and Yogi Berra

Both baseball catchers. Both recruited out of high school by Branch Rickey for the Cardinals. Both fought in WWII in the invasion of southern France. Both indifferent students. Dad came back from the war convinced that “Harbaugh, you are an ignorant man” so he applied to graduate school at Columbia, the day after the ticker-tape…