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Posts tagged as “Uncategorized”

Why? How Long?

1/19/2011: I’m not sure who is crazier: The 12 of 127 readers that give Chip Kelly worse than a B, or the 30 of 162 who give Frances Dyke better than a D. Why is she still running the show? Because Provost Bean and President Lariviere want her to. Why…

OC Media Watch

1/18/2011: Alex Tomchak Scott provides a summary of UO and other news of interest, with commentary. Today we see an Oregonian report on the death, at age 49, of the woman former Governor Neil Goldschmidt sexually abused when he was Portland mayor and she was 14. Tomchak also reports that…


about voicing your opinion in the polls on the right or in the comments? Don’t be. The NY Times reports, tonight, on a new NLRB case involving an employee who criticized her boss on Facebook: Lafe Solomon, the board’s acting general counsel, said, “This is a fairly straightforward case under…

off topic

11/7/2010: From The New Yorker: Then, later that day, the doctors I was travelling with told me that, to insure their own safety while they worked, they had to prove their neutrality by tending to génocidaires as well as to their victims. And I wondered: If these humanitarians weren’t here,…