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Posts published by “uomatters”

Will UO charge student journalist for HLGR’s Bowl of Dicks docs?

Under Dave Hubin UO’s Public Records Office refused to give fee waivers to journalists – even UO student journalists. Oregon public records law requires an explanation for fee waiver denials. Hubin and PR Officer Lisa Thornton ignored that law. Now Daily Emerald reporter Noah McGraw has written a very good report…

Bob Berdahl tried to bust the union. Mike Schill invited the union over to his place to celebrate the new CBA.

Here’s the April 2012 letter to Governor Kitzhaber from one of his policy advisors, telling him that Interim UO President Bob Berdahl had hired an out of state firm to try and bust the union, and that UO was not being completely honest about that: All in all UO paid about $1M to Curiale, Hirschfeld,…

PLC capsizes as economists get UO Alert, rush to western side to see tsunami

Undergrads respond to Provost Coltrane’s pleas for a rescue effort: “Nope. Voluntary collective action would be a violation of the standard model.” “Wait, let me check my 201 grade on Canvas. No. Definitely not.” UOAlert! This is a test of the UOAlert! system and a reminder to practice earthquake response: Duck, Cover, and Hold.…

UO rejected $600K offer, will now pay ~$1.5M for Bowl of Dicks

The BBC reports that the Ashmolean only paid £250,00 for their bowl: So far UO’s tab is: $452,200 Attorney Fees to plaintiff’s lawyers $ 45,773 Costs to plaintiff $650,000 Economic damages $105,000 Punitive damages $1,252,973 Total Then of course you have to add in the many billable hours UO’s outside lawyer Andrea…

HECC to review BOT

Transparency, accountability, etc. Presumably this explains why UO faculty Trustee Susan Gary (Law), who was appointed with minimal input from faculty, and then reappointed with none, has suddenly started holding office hours. From the HECC docket, here:  

UO’s “Art of the Athlete” course gave all the athletes A+’s

10/12/2015: Today’s report by the Daily Emerald on this course, here, doesn’t mention that little detail. How did UO’s Faculty Athletics Representative miss this irregularity?

Fortunately for the Ducks, the UO Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Committee discovered this and put an end to it several years ago. The course is now pass/fail.

What other questionable courses are UO’s student-athletes taking? Hard to say. AD Rob Mullens and his designees have refused to meet with the IAC since a few days after Mullens and Mike Gottfredson read the EPD report on the basketball rape allegations, and Gottfredson then appointed his handpicked “Presidential Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics” to take over the IAC’s job. The IAC asked too many questions.

And the PAGIA’s meetings are closed.

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10/23/2014: Report on gut classes for athletes leads UNC to fire nine employees

Helfrich & Mullens give Lillis expensive lesson on regression to the mean

10/10/2015: Apparently unaware of a basic statistical principle, Chuck Lillis and the BOT gave Mark Helfrich and AD Ron Mullens fat new contracts in February, just after the #2 BCS outcome. It will now cost about $15M to buy out Helfrich, although there’s a 50% discount if he doesn’t win at least six games in each of 2…

Duck fundraising expansion raises questions about damage to UO’s academic fund drive

From the recent job postings, it looks like the Ducks are scheduling a major increase in fundraising effort, just as Mike Andreasen’s UO Advancement Office finally gets its academic fundraising efforts rolling. This is really bad timing. This is the time when the Duck fundraisers should be directed to shift…