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Posts published by “uomatters”

New VP for Comm Kyle Henley to represent UO, or just the Ducks?

9/7/2015: Silly question. He’s paid to be the athletic department’s sacrificial anode. It took the UO Public Records Office a month to provide his resume and the justification for changing the job from Associate VP to VP. They claim they didn’t have to provide his resume, but only did it because he agreed…

Board to slap down Ginevra Ralph over cheerleader comments, Don Kahle proposes spinning off Ducks as taxable LLC

RG columnist Don Kahle is no economist, so he usually makes sense. Here’s his modest proposal on what to do about UO’s Duck problem – spin them off as an entertainment LLC. We trust unfettered economics to produce outcomes that are optimized. We want nothing more for our Ducks than optimized outcomes.…

UO Board meets Sept 10-11 on big Duck gifts, tuition guarantee, extending Chuck Lillis’s term, warnings on Trustee behavior and speech

I haven’t had time to dig through all the dockets, links below. If you see anything interesting please post a comment. Executive and Audit Committee — September 10, 2015 [Materials] Finance and Facilities Committee — September 10, 2015 [Materials] Academic and Student Affairs Committee — September 10, 2015 [Materials] Meeting of…

UO Board to approve Knight funded Marcus Mariota Complex

Ryan Thorburn has the story in the RG, here. No word on how much the gift letter requirements will cost UO’s academic side. (But a correction to note below – Board Secretary Angela Wilhelms has posted the gift agreement at ) The last time this happened the OUS Board demanded considerable documentation from…

UO Prof Jennifer Freyd works to provide open-source sex assault info

University administrators are panicking about the fact that it has become more difficult to hide information about campus sexual assaults. And the second thing a panicked administrator does – after firing whoever leaked the public records – is look for a consultant to paper things over. Sure enough, the market for Title IX and sexual assault…

UO hires Darci Heroy to help Penny Daugherty with her Title IX issues

That’s got to be a tough job, given Ms Daugherty’s famous incompetence. I wonder how much experience Heroy has, and how much we’re paying her. Here’s the blurb from the Amitrius Coaching and Consulting website: Here’s Ms Heroy’s report on what UO is doing to reduce sexual assaults. Accomplishment #1? Hire…

Deficient former UO GC Melinda Grier pulling down +$250K at NACUA

After the public records about her dealings with former Duck football coach and Athletic Director Mike Bellotti became public, the Oregon DOJ’s David Leith and Keith Dubanevich investigated and found that UO General Counsel Melinda Grier had provided “deficient legal representation” to UO. The investigation cost UO about $50K. President Lariviere immediately fired Grier…

New UO public records boss Greg Stripp tightens transparency lockdown

$1600 for the names of who is on the UOPD’s oversight committee? More than 2 weeks delay for hiring documents on the new VP for Communications Kyle Henley? One of President Schill’s first acts was to shift reporting of UO’s public records office from Dave Hubin to Greg Stripp, when Stripp was promoted from…

President commissions investigation of athletic recruiting scandal

It’s the usual big-time college sports scandal: athletic department recruits transfer player with history of sexual assault without doing due diligence, player assaults another student, university keeps it secret, victim hires Attorney John Clune to sue the university. A few twists: at Baylor University the second assault ended in a trial and conviction, and…