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Posts published by “uomatters”

Coltrane stalling on sexual violence reforms?

With the lawsuit over the alleged basketball rapes picking up steam, Johnson Hall is in a dicey situation regarding allegations they’ve been mishandling sexual assaults. Changes in procedures might imply that there was something wrong with the old procedures and increase liability. Sure enough, it seems like not much is changing. From Scott Greenstone and…

Gov Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes caught in Gross National Happiness scam

Seriously? Oregon has managed to corrupt the idea of a Gross National Happiness measure? Why can’t our politicians stick to sleazy construction deals and garbage contracts, like the rest of the world does? The Oregonian reports that state bureaucrats are now releasing incriminating public records with abandon, trying to save…

LibraryGate: What did Doug Park hire Hershner Hunter to investigate?

Dave Hubin’s Public Records Office doesn’t seem to want to make that public. So I’ve cced Doug Park on the followup. We’ll see if he’ll oblige. Surely Doug Park and Doug Blandy were careful to put the terms for an important investigation like this in writing. Right? Or were they so afraid that…

GradGate: Senate to investigate graduate fellowship cuts, missing $11M

2/5/2015 update: A reader passes along this Brad Shelton powerpoint, which among other things documents the $1.5M Moffitt to Moffitt transfer: The bottom line though, is that there’s plenty of water in the well. Or at least that’s what Brad Shelton was telling UO’s academic deans in September: I wonder…

UO professor goes rogue, posts confidential presidential archives on internet

Alea iacta est. I’m posting it all, despite the threats from VPAA Doug Blandy and Barbara Altmann, the claim of Interim President Scott Coltrane that this is unlawful, and the protests of Interim Provost Frances Bronet that it is immoral. I am not saying how I got these archives, and…

“What If” UO Public Records released contract showing we blew $1M on 160over90 branders?

They won’t of course. The first rule of Dave Hubin’s Public Records office is to delay, redact, and charge out the butt for anything that might conceivably embarrass the Johnson Hall administration, or even just help the public understand what the hell is going on at Oregon’s flagship public university.…

Dahlia Bazzaz and Alexandra Wallachy podcast LibraryGate – and more

A podcast for The Oregon Daily Emerald, here: Emerald reporters Dahlia Bazzaz and Alexandra Wallachy discuss news events from week 4 at the University of Oregon and beyond, including: a leak of 22,000 UO admin. records, … It starts with an excellent summary of the UO presidential archive release. About 7 minutes…