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Posts published by “uomatters”

Release of UO Presidential Archives was not illegal, or immoral. So was it improper – or insufficient?

1/29/2015 update: Rich Read of the Oregonian reports on Wednesday’s UO Senate meeting, here: … Harbaugh sees both farce and tragedy in his latest episode, LibraryGate. He called Coltrane’s email alleging unlawful release of records “outrageously premature judgment on his part, and I’m assuming Tobin Klinger wrote it – but I can’t be sure…

Meeting Today: Senate: Coltrane Q&A and more policy work

Summary: A kickass meeting. Large turnout. Coltrane and Lim are generally forthright. Coltrane and Library Dean Lim commit to public review of UO public records problems. That’s my takeaway from their generally positive and constructive statements and the Q&A at today’s Senate meeting. (Archives too). A public review of Dave Hubin’s…

Where are the uncensored Presidential Archives? Ask Klinger

1/28/2015 update: Interim Provost Bronet releases statement: Friends and colleagues, Many of you are following with interest the recent release of electronic documents, which bypassed archival processing procedures, and the university’s efforts to get those documents back. I am pleased to inform you that the documents have been returned. Our separate…

Graphic videos show Vanderbilt football players lied about gang rape of undergraduate

1/27/2015 update: Guilty on all counts, here. What happened to the coach who brought them to campus? He’s now Penn State’s well-paid head coach, and has “no comment”. 1/24/2015: I’m not much for trigger warnings, but this needs one. From the Nashville Tennessean, here.

LibraryGate: NYT confirms crackdown on access to Presidential Archives

1/25/2015: Rachel Donadio has the story in the NY Times, here: … Every archival official knows that he or she would be safer” erring on the side of “denying access to documents.” The problems are both bureaucratic and political. The slow-moving federal committee in charge of declassifiying state archive material…

Did Frohnmayer illegally delete records from UO’s Presidential Archives?

The latest report from RG reporter Diane Dietz on the Presidential Archives is here. Oregonian reporter Rich Read has more here. Previous stories and emails about the Presidential Archive are here. While Duck PR flack Tobin Klinger and Interim UO President Scott Coltrane are hard at work spinning the possibility that the…