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Posts published by “uomatters”

The RG’s Austin Meek nails day 5 of Gottfredson’s cover-up

The new UO Board of Trustees doesn’t have authority to fire President Gottfredson until July 1st. But they can certainly talk to OUS and Kitzhaber about it, and you can be sure those conversations have started. Latest story here: “Sorry. Don’t buy it.” Fortunately we have a respected, experienced, and well…

FERPA is not a how-to guide for hiding rape allegations from students

UO’s President Mike Gottfredson has been claiming he couldn’t alert UO students to the alleged March 9th gang rape, because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. It turns out he’s just the latest in a long tradition of university administrators trying to hide behind FERPA. Get a clue…

ODE: Where are the FERPA waivers? NY Times: Where are the emails?

9:45 PM: From the Oregonian: 5:30 PM: And sure enough, the NY Times is already reporting they don’t think President Gottfredson is telling the truth: The university did not act sooner because the Eugene police asked officials to delay administrative reviews until after a criminal investigation was complete, Gottfredson and a…

11AM at the Ford Alumni Center: Gottfredson will speak, 2 months to the day after the alleged rape

Update: I’m here w/ about 10 TV cameras, 50 or so reporter types, and another 50 faculty and students. I’ll try and live blog a little, but I’m not I’ve got the stomach for it. PR flack Toby Klinger introduces the rules. Brief remarks from Gott, followed by Q&A. ONLY…

Gottfredson hasn’t signed Academic Freedom policy because of rape allegations

5/8/2014: That’s the latest rumor. The Senate’s Academic Freedom policy would allow all UO employees to criticize UO policies. There are plenty of UO employees – apparently including some in the athletic department – who are outraged by how UO has handled the rape allegations. But their bosses have told them they can’t talk to the press. If Gottfredson signs this policy,  they can. So he won’t.

4/9/2014: From the Senate website, for debate and vote today. Great policy. The sticking point will be “c. POLICY AND SHARED GOVERNANCE. Members of the university community have freedom… ” The administration wants to restrict this freedom only to faculty. Why?

Sexual assault allegations hurt Dana Altman’s recruiting

President Gottfredson was fine with letting Coach Altman bring one player with a sexual assault history to UO, and then playing two others in the NCAA tournament. Same with paying that $95K in bonus money. But hurting the Ducks? Well, now that’s serious trouble. I’m guessing this CBS report means Coach Altman will be gone…

VPSA Holmes posts consultants report on UO sexual violence procedures

Finished in December, finally posted today by UO after pressure from the Senate. This is a thorough report on policies and procedures. The lawyer starts by noting he did not review how any actual incidents were handled. No significant problems are reported: The current process for reporting and follow up…

Protest against sexual violence and UO cover-up, Thursday noon, behind Johnson Hall

Update: Jennifer Fleck has an excellent story on today’s protest in the Daily Emerald. There will be another one tomorrow at 12, in Johnson Hall. Details to be posted on the UO-CESV website here. Show up and let Gottfredson know how you feel about the assault and his cover-up. Update: There was…