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Posts published by “uomatters”

Kitzhaber to sign bill giving children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition

From “Around the O”: University of Oregon student Edith Gomez will join Gov. John Kitzhaber, Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney and others Tuesday morning (April 2) when the governor signs into law the state’s so-called tuition equity bill. Gomez, a general science major at the UO, testified in favor of…

UO Board of Trustees legislation firms up

The Senate Interim Committee on Education and Workforce Development, consisting of Chair Senator Mark Hass, Vice-Chair Senator Tim Knopp, Senator Lee Beyer, Senator Jeff Kruse, and Senator Arnie Roblan  has approved this amended version of SB270, the independent board legislation. They haven’t voted it out of committee yet, but my guess is that will happen pretty…

OUS cuts special deal for Frohnmayer and Rudnick

3/29/2013: OUS’s Oregon Administrative Rule 580 exempts a few things from the normal transparent competitive bidding process for state procurement: (k) Goods or services related to intercollegiate athletic programs.(L) Cadavers or cadaveric organs.…(u) Contracts for professional or expert witnesses or consultants to provide services or testimony relating to existing or potential litigation…

God Bless the Janitors

3/28/2013: A column by Wicke Sloane, in Insidehighered, on the SEIU staff union’s research reports on conflicts of interest and administrative bloat at public universities: I commend the 5,000 higher education workers of the Massachusetts Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 615. These men and women, led by Massachusetts SEIU…