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Posts published by “uomatters”

Shades of UO’s Charles Martinez

3/28/2013: From Jonathan Hart was appointed professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Alberta in 2004. In 2011, he was also appointed professor of English studies at Durham University, in Britain. Neither was a part-time position, and it appears that neither institution knew about Professor Hart’s…

Why I love Oregon

From the Oregonian, 3/26/2013: “I’m not going to add any fuel to their fire,” she said. “My comments are not printable.” In other news, the Democrats have released their PERS reform plan: — Retirees would receive the current 2 percent increase on the first $20,000 of retirement income. The COLA…

Comments and Disqus

I’m trying a new system for comments, called Disqus, you’ve probably seen it on other blogs. It works now, but the last 2 days of comments are being transferred, and may not show up for a day or so. To comment you should create a free, anonymous Disqus account. It…

No Faculty Allowed

3/22/2013 updates at bottom. UO Board Oregon Senate hearings, at 1PM 3/21/2013. Background here, live feed here. The original architect of the independent board idea was Michael Redding, who is leaving UO any week now for UIC. So the ball is now in Mike Gottfredson’s court, as those sports boosters…

Union Bargaining XIV: Gottfredson’s response is to stall

Venue: Room 122 Knight Library, 8AM, Thursday 3/21/2013. Postscript: Prologue: (Comparator gaps by dept here, what to cut here, Moffitt’s secret budget here.) You might have thought Michael Gottfredson would have asked Kitzhaber for authority to deal with UO’s faculty pay problem, before he agreed to take the UO president’s…

Beangram and UO admin salary comparison

Updated with latest (last?) Beangram: March 20, 2013  TO:                  Officers of instruction, research and administrationFROM:            Provost Jim BeanSUBJECT:      Multi-year salary adjustment program update  I am writing to provide an update regarding the multi-year salary adjustment program announced in my email of March 4, 2013.  The University is moving forward…

Union Bargaining XIII: Money (with postscript)

Venue: Room 122 Knight Library, 8AM, Tuesday 3/19/13. Postscript: (Raises to get to comparators here, what to cut here, Moffitt’s secret budget slides here.) The union’s bargaining update, with a description of their salary plan, is here: Yesterday, the United Academics Bargaining Team proposed a carefully considered, comprehensive and forward-looking…