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Posts published by “uomatters”

Update: Moffitt passes his "business school case study" to the UO business school

3/19/2013 update: Law School had been planning on banking 45% of CnC revenue as profit Law Professor Q: The particular question that interests me the most concerns the division of revenue from CNC courses. How much of this revenue goes to CNC/CRES/ADR, and how much goes to the law school’s…

To Gottfredson, Bean is worth more than faculty excellence

3/17/2013. VPAA Doug Blandy announces UO’s faculty excellence awards: Subject: deans-dirs: Announcing Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards 2013-14Date: March 15, 2013 4:06:02 PM PDTTo: “Deans-Dirs List ([email protected])”   After successfully rebuilding the Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards program last year, we are pleased to announce that the nomination period for…

Who’s on first?

3/16/2013. What exactly are “the duties of the University President for the 2012 Rose Bowl”? And why did our students have to pay Lorraine Davis to go to Pasadena and perform them? Who knows. The real question is how much money VPFA Jamie Moffitt will let Johnson Hall spend on these…

Updated with Senate debate: Senate vote for investigation of Espy’s office

3/13/2013: From the Senate meeting, video soon. 3.5 Motion (Legislation): Senate-Administration Joint Review of the Office ofResearch & Innovation (RIGE); Bill Harbaugh, Professor (Economics) & UO Senator. Kyr: Supported by Pres Gottfredson. Harbaugh: “This committee could recommend to President Gottfredson that UO needs a new VP for Research.” Ed Kamenui: Chair…