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Posts published by “uomatters”

A real hero

3/2/2012: Dave Duerson was a former college and NFL football star, suffering from brain injuries induced by concussions and repeated MTBI on the field. He was in denial for years, but in 2011, age 50, he realized the brain damage was serious and irreversible and was making him a violent…

No faculty power

3/1/2012: A university with 90,000 mostly online students, part of the Maryland system, where the president has disappeared, and the faculty – none have tenure – are powerless to even ask why. Interesting Chronicle of Higher Ed story.

Administrators gone bad

3/28/2012 Update: Link to Boston Globe story on Cotton here: 2/29/2012: Furloughs for faculty, big tuition raises for students, huge bonuses for administrators. At Howard University, from I like this quote: Raymond D. Cotton, a Washington lawyer who specializes in presidential contracts, said the incentives Howard offered — often…

Have gun, will travel

2/28/2012:  Becky Metrick of the ODE writes on UO Police Chief Doug Tripp’s upcoming 16 week course at the Oregon Public Safety Academy in Salem: Tripp and Hansen, who have had no previous official police force experience, are required to go through the 16 weeks of training that any new…

UO’s plan to meet Pernsteiner’s "performance compact" goals?

Figure and explanation sent to me by Architecture Professor Peter Keyes: My Conclusions from the Data: There is an undeniable inverse correlation between university names that begin with vowels and average school quality.  (Presence of vowel correlates to lower ranking).  Of course, causality is not indicated.  Does low quality lead…

Smoke and mirrors

is not the same thing as transparency. New Greg Bolt story on athletic department budgeting, in the RG today, here. Story on Matt Court costs and wildly exaggerated revenue here. In defense of Jamie Moffitt, she did finally post a good chunk of financial info, here, but only after a…

Say it aint so, Chip!

2/24/2012: From Rob Moseley in the RG: An NCAA investigation suggests that the Oregon football team did not conform to NCAA regulations relating to recruiting over the last four years, according to documents released Friday by the university. A draft statement of “proposed findings of violations” submitted by the NCAA…