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Posts published by “uomatters”

union forum slides

2/23/2012: I’ve had requests for Michael Raymer’s slides from the union forum. He sent them along, 4 pages, here, with this explanation: My Conclusions from the Data: There is an undeniable inverse correlation between tenure-track faculty (TTF) unionization and average school quality. (Presence of union correlates to lower ranking.) Of…

Education bill stalls

2/23/2012: according to the Oregonian. Two weeks ago they were very optimistic. The bill would mean Oregon would have a Chief Education Officer with authority over Pernsteiner and it would give the governor authority to fire control Pernsteiner. Pernsteiner fired Lariviere, and now he seems to be stopping Kitzhaber. Legislative…

student faculty ratio

2/20/2012: There’s a lot of misinformation about student-faculty ratios floating around. If you look at the number of students per tenure track faculty, you get this: All the data from UO institutional research. It’s ugly, so Jim Bean has been counting NTTFs, which makes us look much prettier. I’ve got…

UO’s finances

2/17/2012: I wish that UO’s CFO would give the faculty a honest talk about UO’s current spending and that our Provost would give a consult with the faculty about UO’s future budgeting priorities. But Jim Bean and Frances Dyke have never given us a clear data-based presentation of where they…