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Posts published by “uomatters”

Which side are you on?

2/16/2012: From the union organizer’s website here: How can faculty have a real voice in setting priorities? Thursday, February 16th4:00-5:30pm115 Lawrence Hear speakers address these critical areas: Howard Bunsis, a professor of accounting at Eastern Michigan University and Secretary-Treasurer of the AAUP Dr. Bunsis, an expert in the analysis of…

Advisory group on athletic’s financial sustainability appointed

That would be at UC-Berkeley: The Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Sustainability has been asked to: develop an understanding of the recent and current financial and competitive state of the Intercollegiate Athletics program; assess alternative approaches to promptly putting the IA program on a financially sustainable course; assess…

UO sports and integration

2/13/2012: I mostly agree that college sports has become “The New Plantation” and that it often seems that rule #1 for the NCAA is that “no black person can make money off college football”. Certainly not someone like Willie Lyles! But it wasn’t always like that – once college sports…

WTF, Arizona?

2/11/2012: From Mitch Smith in Arizona legislators are considering one bill that would punish college instructors whose speech or actions would violate broadcast obscenity standards and another bill designed to protect conservative faculty members from discrimination in getting hired or tenured.

Campus cops get guns, money

Updated 2/10/2012: Becky Metrick of the ODE has the scoop: The guns, which are being used solely for training purposes, were ordered back in November after Lariviere signed a directive that authorized the creation of an official police force. “Part of that document required DPS to acquire firearms for the…

Income matters more than race

2/9/2012: From HMHB “We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race,” said Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. Professor Reardon is the…