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Posts published by “uomatters”

Search Committee announced

Dear UO Community, Following is an announcement about the presidential search committee that will be released to the media later today. I wanted to share the information with you first. George PernsteinerChancellor, Oregon University System———————————————News ReleaseFebruary 1, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Di Saunders, Office: 503-725-5714; Cell: 971-219-6869 Chancellor Announces…

Faculty union quotes

1/31/2012: Sam Stites of the ODE has a good story with quotes from several pro-union faculty: “We’re hoping to have the card-check done by the end of the term,” said Deborah Olson, union representative and special education instructor. “We’re actually shooting for a higher number. We want more than 50…

Science start-up debacle

1/28/2012: From an anonymous commenter: Having squandered millions in excessive administrative budget increases, remodeling their offices, golden parachutes, and other brilliant ideas, Johnson Hall’s solution for science startups is to spend against reserves in the humanities and social sciences. Despite having the least funding per student on campus, these programs…