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Posts published by “uomatters”

Jim will be back

1/28/2012: Berdahl should have announced he was giving Bean an interim appointment ending June 2013. This would satisfy the immediate need for a body to fill out the provost’s suit. It would also leave the deck clear for the next president to do an open search. But no: Colleagues: The…

Berdahl and Geller claim President controls faculty authority:

Update: Geller’s quotes come from here: Check out the board policies and IMD pdf’s – for example athletics. There are all kinds of things UO and OUS pay no attention to in practice. Except when it’s convenient for them to use them against the faculty. 1/26/2012: This will get…

What independent boards do:

1/23/2012: Mostly deal with athletic scandals. And peanut butter. Penn State, from the Chronicle: The meeting of the trustees, which was watched by several thousand people on the Internet and had been moved to a larger venue to accommodate members of the public and media, lasted for several hours. It…