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Posts published by “uomatters”

Lariviere Links

11/25/2011, updated obsessively: Basic info: Pernsteiner scandals: Treetops, croissant abuse, voting fraud, Goldschmidt appointment, … OUS Board members’s secret phone numbers. Donegan and Pernsteiner fire Chip Kelly for making other Oregon teams look bad. Can individual OUS board members be sued if they fire Lariviere in the sham public meeting…

Kitzhaber fires Lariviere

11/22/2011: Nigel Jaquiss of Willamette Week has the scoop: WW has learned that Oregon University System board members met with University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere on Monday, telling him that when his contract expires in June, it will not be renewed. Governor John Kitzhaber surprised Lariviere by affirming that…

PERS data to be public

11/21/2011: David Thompson of the SJ tweets that the judge just refused to issue an injunction, so basic data on PERS payouts by name and amount will be released to the SJ and the Oregonian today soon, and will presumably be posted online w/in a few days weeks. The top…

sex, money, and secrecy

11/21/2011: I’d always wondered why reporters were spending so much time on the child rape coverup and so little time on the money that Joe Paterno and his crew were raking in. It turns out this was because Penn State had secured an exemption to the Pennsylvania public records law,…

Bit late, eh?

11/18/2011: “NCAA says it will examine how Penn State has handled scandal.” From the enablers on the NCAA Infractions Committee: *Eligible for reappointment Division Committee Positions Title Name & Institution Conference TermExpiration   0   Member   Attorney   John Black      Independent SEP 2014*   0   Member   Partner   Roscoe Howard  Andrews Kurth LLP   Independent…

What will Kitzhaber do?

11/28/2011: The fate of President Richard Lariviere, of his New Partnership, and of UO as a serious research university is up in the air. Path A is control by OUS Chancellor Pernsteiner, followed by gradual but inevitable descent into mediocrity. Path B is Lariviere’s New Partnership, followed by a big…