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Posts published by “uomatters”

To Do for Wednesday

This is a UO Emergency. Attend the Statutory Faculty meeting, MAC court, 2:45 – 5PM Wed. Read this post on Chancellor Pernsteiner’s outrageous perks – paid for with money skimmed off taxpayers and student tuition. Email the OUS board to say you insist on a public review of Chancellor Pernsteiner…

Statutory Faculty meeting, MAC court, 2:45 – 5PM Wed 11/30/2011

11/29/2011: Dear Statutory Faculty and UO Community: There will be a STATUTORY FACULTY meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) Nov. 30 from 3:10 to 5 pm in MAC COURT.  The meeting will be preceded by a 10-minute University Senate meeting. We strongly encourage all statutory faculty* to participate and warmly invite the UO…

UO on trial in Portland

Live video of the OUS meeting will be streamed at  I will try to tweet, follow on 11/28/2011: with a comphrehensive story on “The Battle for Eugene”  11/27/2011: I’ll be going Monday, I encourage everyone to go. It takes bodies in the square to make things change.…

Vandals attack Treetops Mansion, official residence of Chancellor Pernsteiner

11/27/2011: Or maybe the headline should read: “Chancellor Pernsteiner loots Oregon student’s budgets to pay for his mansions, maids and croissants” Sam Stites of the ODE has the scoop on the former interpretation, with some Aaron Marineau photos of the perpetrators fleeing the well manicured, spacious grounds of Treetops, OUS…