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Posts published by “uomatters”

PLC demolition begins!

9/14/2011: Provost Jim Bean announced yesterday that his last official act would be the destruction of the much hated PLC office building – “brick by goddamn brick, if necessary”. Work began this morning: Celebrating profs down at the faculty club cheered the news that they would be housed in tents…

Will UO staff strike the first week of classes?

9/14/2011: A non-random sample says yes. They don’t buy Pernsteiner and Kenton’s call for “shared sacrifice”. Does anyone recall any previous staff strikes? This Greg Bolt story repeats the stories about UO raises, does not mention Lariviere’s overtime adjustments or the benefits and retroactive benefits the OUS bosses got. There’s…

PERS data to be public

9/11/2011: Originally the Oregonian just wanted the data on those getting more than $100,000 a year. PERS fought and lost, now everything will be public. Most new PERS retirees get modest amounts – 60% of salary, maybe $30,000. I think the release of this data will actually tone down the…