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Posts published by “uomatters”


4/4/2010: Lots of hits and lots of comments on the payoff stories, some from people who sound like they know something. Lariviere will have a news conference Tuesday, and maybe he will tell the truth about what happened. George Schroeder of the RG has a column calling for more transparency…

Legal issues

4/3/2010: A reader points us to this devastating analysis of the Bellotti payoff, by Ted Sickinger of the Oregonian. I think it’s unfair to blame this on Lariviere, it’s got Frohnmayer’s fingerprints all over it. The University of Oregon’s $2.3 million golden handshake for resigning athletic director and former football…

Where’s Frohnmayer?

4/1/2010: So far no reporter has been able to get Dave Frohnmayer to comment on the Bellotti payoff. Weird, because Dave obviously had a central role in the “verbal agreement,” and loves talking to reporters. But maybe he’s realized that since he’s still on the books as UO “President Emeritus”…

OUS Board to conduct its own investigation of Bellotti deal

4/1/2010: From Mike Tokhito in  the Oregonian: “In light of these circumstances and disclosures, I’ve requested the director of internal audit, Patricia Snopkowski, to review the agreement and the circumstances surrounding its execution, in order to assure that all applicable laws, rules and board policies have been met,” George Pernsteiner,…

From the RG letters:

4/1/2010: From the RG letters: What do administrators do? So what could be worse than some Duck football players who beat up their girlfriends, steal stuff, get drunk, do drugs, etc.? I mean, really? What could be worse? Well, I think I know: certain people who get $2.3 million in…

RG endorses DOJ review of UO

3/31/2010: The RG editors have endorsed Attorney General Kroger’s review of UO’s $2.3 million payment to Bellotti: … One thing seems clear before justice officials begin their review: The manner in which the university handles its athletic department contracts and other financial dealings is disturbingly informal and secretive. Head coaches…