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Posts published by “uomatters”


2/28/2010: Mark Baker of the RG has a few stories today on the UO football team’s troubles. Best quote is from Eugene sports psychologist Steven Ungerleider, the author of the wonderfully titled “Faust’s Gold“, a book on the East German athletic industry. A guy who clearly knows a thing or…

AAUP troubles?

2/26/2010: has a story on troubles with AAUP union voting procedures. The AAUP and the AFT are jointly sponsoring the UO OA/Faculty union organizing effort: WASHINGTON — An investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor has forced the American Association of University Professors to redo last year’s election for…


2/26/2010: In breaking news, we’ve now obtained summary data on UO’s cheese and egg expenditures. But many questions remain. Tillamook Cheddar? Oregonzola? Individually wrapped slices of processed american? President Lariviere is still refusing to tell the faculty. This stinks. And why are top UO administrators – you know who you…

Slow day

2/25/2010: Not much worth posting lately. That’s a good thing. Also good, the legislature is letting us sell bonds for a new 451 bed dorm “residence hall”. What do they call them at Hogwarts? Senate funds University of Oregon residence hall — Daily Journal of Commerce (The first step toward…

Paula Rogers case

2/19/2010: I got an extensive anonymous post in the comments section this morning from a Paula Rogers supporter. I don’t have any inside knowledge about this case, but the general pattern of retaliation – for which the jury awarded damages – and counterproductive behavior by the UO General Counsel’s office…

Things are bad in Canada

2/17/2010: People may remember current Senate President Tublitz’s Motion on Financial Transparency, from last April. Passed on a unanimous voice vote, it says MOTION: The University Senate directs the University of Oregon Administration to establish a publicly accessible, on-line budget reporting system at the University of Oregon by 1 September…

More on discrimination case

 2/16/2010:  From today’s Karen McGowan story in the RG, follow up to yesterday: A former professor who last week won a reverse race discrimination lawsuit against the University of Oregon said Monday that she feels vindicated by the federal jury’s verdict but is still paying a high price for the…

Too much

Z4PRES –  President Emeritus ZGEN – Provost General 61 – Unclassified Salaries 10100 – Unclassified Salaries 245700 Z4PRES –  President Emeritus ZGEN – Provost General 66 – Grad Ast Resdnt Phys Dentist Cl Fel 10600 – Grad Asst/Res Phys/Dent/Clin Fellws 0 Z4PRES –  President Emeritus ZGEN – Provost General 69…