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Posts published by “uomatters”

The usual

3/11/2010: I’d hope this leads to some housecleaning at the athletic department – but I doubt it. Two stories from the RG website:LaMichael James to plead guilty to something – presumably something that doesn’t sound as bad as attempted strangulation. And, quoting: University of Oregon quarterback Jeremiah Masoli is being…

Lariviere talks:

3/10/2010: And as an antidote to the post below, our new President talks to the Washington Post. Not a word about athletics – I am starting to like this guy. Coffee with U. of Oregon President Lariviere I had coffee recently with Richard Lariviere, president of the University of Oregon.…

Where’s our money.

From UO newsclips: Pac-10 schools face funding losses: States cut funding for Pac-10 schools as budget losses impact financial aid and tuition hikes. — The Daily Evergreen (WSU does not stand alone in the face of higher education budget cuts.  Throughout the Pac-10, the challenges of a tight economy are…


3/7/2010: Coach Kelly is not saying what discipline there will be for the player who attacked the 19 year old girl. Meanwhile, another DUI. Actually just a minor in possession since he was trying to drive the wrong SUV, his keys didn’t work and the owner didn’t press charges. Given…


3/5/2010: From Jack Moran in the RG:  A Lane County Circuit Court judge this morning ordered University of Oregon placekicker Rob Beard to serve one year probation for his role in a Jan. 24 street brawl near the UO campus. Beard, who was originally charged with three misdemeanors including fourth-degree…

Lawyer for Embry

3/4/2010: Local attorney Michael Buseman seems to be the go to guy for athletes in trouble – he represents LaMichael James and now Garrett Embry. I’m no game theorist, but if Masoli gets a different lawyer I believe there is an equilibrium prediction.

The usual

3/4/2010: From KVAL. I’m having a hard time keeping the various assaults straight. EUGENE, Ore. — A former University of Oregon football player arrested on misdemeanor assault charges in what police described as retaliation for an attack on another Oregon player pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and was sentenced…

let’s lower the bar

3/4/2010: Betsy Hammond of the Oregonian reports: Oregon is moving its 10th-grade tests in reading, writing, math and science to the 11th grade, saying many students need another year of high school to learn the skills covered on the tests. …. When Oregon sophomores take the tests, a lot of…


3/2/2010: We haven’t heard much about the union lately. There are now 4 union organizers on campus, and given that the card check period lasts 3 months, if they are going to try for an election this academic year I would think they would want to start soon. This editorial…

More student housing

3/2/2010: From Diane Dietz in the RG: A Portland developer building a $12 million apartment near the Matthew Knight Arena means to make the east campus — as opposed to the west campus strip — the nexus of university life. Cody’s project — with 172 student bedrooms — is immediately…

Weekend update:

3/1/2010: The football team apparently made it through the weekend arrest free. The cheerleading squad, on the other hand, reports a DUI. Can’t blame this one on the coach, UO still hasn”t replaced the previous cheerleading coaches Laraine Raish and Corine Lewis, who were suddenly and mysteriously fired last summer.…