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Posts published by “uomatters”

60’s reunion tour

2/15/2010: Rebecca Woolington of the RG has a really nice story about visits to UO and LCC this week by Jessie Jackson, Seymour Hersh, and Tom Hayden. Hersh of course is the guy who exposed My Lai and then Abhu Ghraib. Jackson has a much more mixed legacy, and Hayden…

UO Loses Discrimination Case

2/14/2010: This is a strange discrimination case against UO, from Karen McGowan in the RG: A federal court jury has awarded more than $164,000 in damages to a former University of Oregon assistant professor who filed a lawsuit in 2007 alleging disparate treatment based on race or national origin. Paula…


You can watch a clip of UO President Richard Lariviere talk about academics and athletics with reporter Todd Milbourn of KVAL, here. And you can ask Lariviere questions Friday at 5:30 at Cosmic Pizza. Be nice. Remember, Frohnmayer would run and hide, and if you caught him he’d lie. We…

sustainable graduation

Elissa Harrington from KVAL reports that Amber Garrison, UO Director of Commencement, has decided students will wear green colored biodegradable gowns at graduation this year. Rumor has it that they are made from hemp, the miracle fiber byproduct of Oregon’s second largest industry. To honor the baby boomer parents who…

Union info Town Hall

2/8/2010: I thought the Town Hall was pretty informative. Thanks to Tublitz for arranging it and also to the speakers. The audience asked some good questions. One commentator notes – I think correctly – that it was unbalanced, in that there was no anti-union speaker from the faculty. I don’t…


2/3/2010: Adam Kissell of The Foundation for Individual Rights has a good piece on Pacifica and free speech at UO: The “safety” rationale fails in the absence of truly proscribed speech, such as true threats (and even then, it would be unclear whether an individual threat would be enough to…

Students protest Frohnmayer Plan

1/30/2010: Update: Also see the InterInstitutional Faculty Senate resolution on this, which boils down to “not so fast, buddy.” From Bill Graves in the Oregonian: A small group of Portland State University students gathered on campus today to denounce proposals to reorganize Oregon universities into public corporations. Students warned that…