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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

DESAADFA Eric Roedl’s Bowl of Ducks case to go to jury Feb 2016

What’s it about this time? Duck bowl games. In a nutshell, Duck Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director for Finance and Administration Eric Roedl – let’s just call him the DESAADFA – got hit up by some insurance salesman for a policy that would pay the Duck football coaches in the event their unpaid student-athletes won enough…

Why have UO’s lawyers got off scot free? (updated with RG story)

That’s the question the Register Guard is wondering about, on the editorial page here: The University of Oregon is getting mixed signals from authorities charged with enforcing codes of professional conduct. In June, a division of the Oregon State Bar found that UO lawyers did nothing wrong in 2014 when they…

CAS Dean Andrew Marcus says to hell with the General Counsel, let’s party!

Back in 2009 UO’s General Counsel Office was claiming that the names of professors who got tenure at UO were confidential personal records – so secret that the provost (I think this was Jim Bean) couldn’t even tell the Faculty Personnel Committee that had reviewed the cases:

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I even had to retract this photo. Fortunately saner hands are now in control. Either that, or Interim CAS Dean Andrew Marcus is in some deep shit for sending out this party invitation, complete with the list of who got tenure and promotions:

Dear CAS Faculty and Staff,

On Wednesday, October 21st, the College will host the first CAS Dean’s Reception of the new academic year.   The theme of this reception is welcoming all new CAS faculty and staff, and celebrating faculty members who are newly promoted and/or tenured.

I know that the start of Fall term is a busy time but I’m hoping that you will join us at this event.  Other campus welcome events invite just newcomers or focus on students, but this one is intended for all staff and faculty in the college and is meant to celebrate the beginning of a new academic year.

The CAS Dean’s Reception will be held in Gerlinger Lounge from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. with the program beginning at 4:15 p.m.   Light appetizers and wine will be served.

I’d like to enlist your assistance in giving a warm welcome to the new faculty and staff who have joined the College of Arts and Sciences, and honoring our colleagues who have earned a promotion or tenure.

I hope to see you on Wednesday, October 21st


President Schill and GC Kevin Reed announce strong counseling confidentiality policy

I’m no law professor, but this policy seems to put to rest worries that UO will ever again access confidential student counseling records for questionable purposes. It’s also notable in that the Oregon Bar ethics complaint against UO Interim General Counsel Doug Park and Associate General Counsel Sam Hill for obtaining the records, and…

Coltrane orders search teams to fan out, as PLC rubble yields no deans

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From Provost Scott Coltrane’s website, a call for a “renewal and stabilization of academic leadership” and a start to 5 important searches:

Academic Executive Searches

This is an exciting time for the University of Oregon. We are embarking on a new era with a new Board of Trustees, a new president, and ambitious goals for fundraising and increasing state support. As we step into the future, we must focus on our vision of pursuing academic excellence in all that we do. This vision will be realized by expanding our faculty and enhancing our capacity for innovation and research.

Fulfilling our goal of academic excellence begins with the renewal and stabilization of academic leadership across campus. To that end, we are embarking on searches for the Vice President for Research and Innovation and for deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Lundquist College of Business, the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, and the School of Journalism and Communication. These searches will help define us as a premier public research university and set the course for determining the future of the University of Oregon.

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Search Committee

Search Firm: Diversified Search 

Dean of the Lundquist College of Business

Search Committee

Search Firm: TBD

Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts

Search Committee

Search Firm: Greenwood/Asher & Associates Inc.

Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication

Search Committee

Parker Executive Search Firm

Vice President for Research and Innovation

Search Committee

Search Firm: Witt/Kiefer

Page down for full search committees, or follow links above. I see many good faculty members:

Can the UO Senate save the General Counsel’s office from itself?

10/1/2015 update: The Senate website includes a proposal for a new UO policy on keeping student counseling records private. This presumably comes from the committee that interim Provost Frances Bronet appointed last spring, after she’d ordered the GC to return Jane Doe’s files: 9/30/2015:  Students who have been sexually assaulted often seek out mental health…

(4J update) Sharon Rudnick, Bill Gary, and Randy Geller’s HLGR law firm losing money, contracts, and lawyers

9/30/2015: Eugene’s 4J school system let HLGR keep the $19K they had billed before they mistakenly sent the RG the school board’s “confidential” emails about the Berman firing. But if I interpret this correctly, 4J now has replaced HLGR with local law firm Luvaas Cobb: The District paid $18,532 in legal costs and fees…