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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Ombudsman MacAllister delivers SOJC climate report

That’s the latest rumor about the School of Journalism and Communications, from the faculty club breakfast buffet. Some stuff about a “caste system” among faculty, and a historical “lack of focus or vision” from administrators. More on SOJC dissension here. I’m sure these issues will be thoroughly addressed by a new branding…

Senate meets on fac-student engagement, policies, diversity

Senate Meeting Agenda – May 20, 2015 2014-2015 Agendas 115 Lawrence, 3:00-5:00 p.m. 3:00 pm    1.   Call to Order 3:00 pm    2.   Approval of Minutes 3:05 pm    3.   State of the University 3:15 pm    4.   New Business 4.1       US14/15-86: Motion to Amend Policy on Faculty-Student Engagement in UO Courses; Alison Schmitke (Undergrad Degree Program Dir,…

UO Foundation Board tells staff to drop EWEB redevelopment scheme

5/19/2015 update:  Ed Russo has the story in the RG, here: In a shock to Eugene’s civic leaders, the University of Oregon Foundation has dropped out as master developer for the Eugene Water & Electric Board riverfront property. A foundation board on Monday unanimously instructed foundation staff to stop pursuing acquisition…

Triplett and Coltrane reject Senate legislation wholesale

The letters are nominally from Scott Coltrane, but the metadata says they were written by AVP for Collaboration Chuck Triplett, complete with some interesting grammatical errors. I’ll post more on these in the next few days. From the website: Presidential responses to Senate actions Interim President Scott Coltrane issued the following responses…

Semi-live-blog: Senate to meet on policies, with new Pres Michael Schill to speak at end, reception

Cocktail party version of today’s Senate meeting: Old president Scott Coltrane said no, no, no, no, no, to the Senate legislation on sexual violence prevention and athletics. New President Michael Schill talked to the Senate and answered questions for a good 30 minutes, and didn’t say “Go Ducks” once. He’d been misinformed about…