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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Randy Geller finds gainful employment – with Rudnick and Frohnmayer at HLGR

Of course. From the Oregon State Bar website: Back in 2011, as UO General Counsel, Geller helped Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick get UO’s lucrative contract for outside legal work, shortly after HLGR had hired retiring UO President Dave Frohnmayer – during his UO sabbatical. Then Geller gave HLGR the job of…

UO neuroscience at the crossroads. Cluster of excellence, or rebuild effort?

UO’s overpaid VP for Research Brad Shelton is going to have an interesting time rationalizing these low retention offers. Diane Dietz has the story in the RG, here: At least one UO brain researcher has already been poached. Clifford Kentros, a neuroscientist in the psychology department, who designed and produced…

Faculty party rumor central

Updated in real-time as reports from the faculty parties roll in. Send your unverified rumors and overheard gossip to uomatters at gmail dot com. I’ll post when I’ve finished my Martini. Or just add a comment. 10/3/2014, 7:47 PM: Reports of Interim President Coltrane’s competency continue to roll in: An unverified…

Coltrane listens to UO Prof Jennifer Freyd speak at City Club about campus rapes and institutional betrayal

Update: Jennifer Freyd and Carly Smith gave an impressive hour long talk to the City Club. It certainly resonated with the audience, who asked questions about the role of alcohol and sports and perpetrators. Interim President Scott Coltrane was there. I think it would be hard for any reasonable person…

UO student publication raises questions about Ducks sexual violence training

Update: For a more serious take on the Freyd survey and the Adam Ritz athletics training, read Camilla Mortensen in the Eugene Weekly, here. 10/2/2014: The Oregon Commentator is in hibernation, but fortunately the has taken up what Dave Frohnmayer affectionately called the OC’s “beery indifference to the law of defamation“: Meanwhile, ESPN…

UO releases 2013-14 Clery Act report on campus fires and sexual assaults

After the Freyd survey on UO rape and institutional betrayal, and the news reports on the astonishing lengths the UO administration went to keep the basketball rape allegations (and what else?) out of these reports, it’s hard to take them very seriously, but there is some presumably reliable data on…

Ducks paid sex offender $4,000 for football sex assault prevention talk

9/30/2014: Now with a report from KATU News. UO’s well-paid PR flacks Craig Pintens and Tobin Klinger were apparently not willing to talk about this one on camera: 928/2014: It is, of course, common for repentant criminals to give “scared straight” talks about how their bad choices ruined their lives.…

Scott Greenstone in the ODE on UO’s freshman class

Excellent reporting. Read it all, here: … Targeting low-income students helps diversity because minority students are statistically more likely to fall into the low-income bracket, according to Grant Schoonover, an adviser for Pathway Oregon. “There’s a greater number of first generation and historically underrepresented students in that cross-section,” Schoonover said.…