Posts published in “Uncategorized”
to study the problems in his Johnson Hall administration. About time. Ad posting here: The ideal candidates will have a demonstrated record of past scholarly success and experience in developing and applying quantitative approaches to the analysis of complex data sets, to address problems that are computationally challenging and data…
12/4/2012: It takes a heavy hand to enforce the NCAA’s rules against letting college football players get any of the fruits of their labor. UO’s Faculty Athletics Representative Jim O’Fallon sits on the NCAA Infractions Committee that wields the lash – and he was lucky he recused himself from this particular case. The…
Originally posted Dec 4th, 2012: All hail the glorious new five year plans! CAS Dean Scott Coltrane is ignoring Interim Provost Bean’s silly threats to start a blog to help him rewrite UO’s Academic Plan. If Bean ever does follow through on this, everyone will ignore it and Bean will…
The athletic department is willing to take a chance on provoking an international incident involving a star Iranian basketball player, if it will help the Ducks pay off those arena bonds. Matt Walks has the story in the ODE. 11/20/2012.
The Emerald has photos. First is beautiful. 11/19/2012.
Word from the LCNI is that the brain scanner is down until mid December because of a shortage of helium for the 3 Tesla super-cooled super-conducting electro-magnet. Donate your party balloons, children! 11/16/2012.
A group of faculty opposed to the faculty union have just started a blog at Who we are We are faculty concerned with the establishment of the UO Faculty Union. We are not affiliated with United Academics or with the Faculty Union Bargaining Team. Many of us have not joined…
11/15/2012: Research by economist (and UO PhD grad) Brad Curs, report by Brad Wolverton in the Chronicle: Participating in lower-tier bowls does little to drive enrollment but adds slightly to the bottom line, new research suggests, countering the notion that postseason football, outside of the highest-rated games, is a money…
Subjects from the UO experiment report: “I felt immensely powerless and almost naked …”. ” … I felt like half a person.” This torture got through UO human subjects review? Shocking. BTW, UO IRB is now saying that renewal of an existing protocol will take them almost 2 months. How much…
Sorry, that’s at Ohio State. Here at UO we are losing top science PI’s and our president is refusing to pay out a 3.5% raise that is already funded. At OSU the money will come in part from parking revenue, believe it or not. Here at UO the parking fees…
Update: After Randy didn’t reply to my requests for an explanation for the delay, I sent a public records petition to Lane County DA Alex Gardner. An hour later I got a response from Dave Hubin’s public records office, offering to sell me these invoices and contracts for $235. It…
Like most faculty I spend a lot of time advising students on how to get a good education at UO. I tell them every educated person needs a basic knowledge of evolution and at least two languages, three if you count BASH scripting. And really, how hard can Math 413 be?…
11/11/2012: Bill Gates, here: I’m reminded of a point made by Andrew Rosen of Kaplan, the for-profit education company, that colleges today know more about how many kids attend basketball games and which alumni give money than how many students showed up for economics class during the week, or which…