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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Remain calm, all is well

2/2/21012: Dear colleagues, A few months ago I could not have imagined being in this position, and I continue to marvel at life’s twists and turns. I want to take this opportunity to convey my appreciation for the kind welcome and support I have received. As I’ve said, I am…

Search Committee announced

Dear UO Community, Following is an announcement about the presidential search committee that will be released to the media later today. I wanted to share the information with you first. George PernsteinerChancellor, Oregon University System———————————————News ReleaseFebruary 1, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Di Saunders, Office: 503-725-5714; Cell: 971-219-6869 Chancellor Announces…

Faculty union quotes

1/31/2012: Sam Stites of the ODE has a good story with quotes from several pro-union faculty: “We’re hoping to have the card-check done by the end of the term,” said Deborah Olson, union representative and special education instructor. “We’re actually shooting for a higher number. We want more than 50…