12/22/2011: Now it’s in Time too: Oregon parents, beware: the Ducks are 11-2 this season, and playing in the Jan. 2 Rose Bowl against the University of Wisconsin, the sixth-best party school in the nation according to Playboy (in 2010, the Badgers ranked third). For transcripts, this game might be…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
12/20/2011: That’s the ESPN headline for this paper from 3 UO economists, using data from UO students: The gist: Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement?∗ Jason M. Lindo Isaac D. Swensen Glen R. Waddell American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Abstract: We consider the relationship between collegiate-football success and…
Today 12/20 Jack Bog and his friends will donate $1 to charity for every visitor to his biting blog on Portland politics, Bojack.org. You just read, they donate.
No, I don’t mean scotch. That’s covered for the next few years, thanks. I mean what are UO’s priorities now and how can this blog help move them forward?
which is it? “Who should Berdahl fire?” or “Whom should Berdahl fire?” Thanks.
issue non-negotiable demands to President. It’s UCSD – they want the library kept open 24/7.
11/21/2011: From a Kevin Kiley story in IHE, based on a paper released Friday by the Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein: “Many professors enjoy their work, finding it rewarding and helpful to their other professional duties, but if their books and essays do not find readers sufficient to justify…
led investigators to look into the question of a Penn State cover-up in the Sandusky case.” From the latest NYT story.
11/16/2011: The UO students are starting to ask some serious questions about athletic department finances. For example, why does the athletic department get $375,000 from the academic side for the “President’s Box” at Autzen? (Update: I’ve revised this post after UO spokesperson Phil Weiler told KEZI the Autzen money comes…
11/3/2011: I’m not exactly shocked to learn that the Jaqua Center glass box burns through electricity like a Norwegian Casino. But it is rather surprising to discover that the academic side of UO – meaning tuition money, mostly – pays the electric bill. The athletic department sticks us with a…
11/3/2011: I’m no psychology professor but Claude Steele is, and he has done some fascinating work on “stereotype threat”. The classic experiment is to tell women everyone knows women are bad at math, just before they take a math quiz. They do worse. It works in reverse too. Or so…
11/2/2011: University Senate-sponsored session with President Lariviere Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 4 p.m. in Beall Concert Hall at the School of Music and Dance. Details here.
11/1/2011: Word down by the Duck Pond is that the Occupy Eugene folks are going to take Chancellor Pernsteiner up on his gracious offer to host the whole movement at his official state owned mansion, Treetops, at 2237 Spring Blvd. Dr. Pernsteiner is quoted in a flyer making the rounds:…
10/31/2011: For expense account fraud. From Nigel Jaquiss at Willamette Week: Burton, a former longtime lawmaker and Metro chair, abruptly left the university last summer ahead of a damning audit, first reported in August by WW, that found he took an 11-day European junket on PSU’s dime under highly questionable…
10/24/2011: From the Oregon Commentator. I say yes, it’s about time.