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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Berdahl speaks

to Sam Stites in the ODE: “An independent governing board is essential to the recruitment of a strong and successful president,” Berdahl said. “I believe the moment is right for change.”

Dave Williford’s statistical critique of UO economists in the NY Times

12/22/2011: Now it’s in Time too: Oregon parents, beware: the Ducks are 11-2 this season, and playing in the Jan. 2 Rose Bowl against the University of Wisconsin, the sixth-best party school in the nation according to Playboy (in 2010, the Badgers ranked third). For transcripts, this game might be…

As Ducks win, male grades drop. (and when teams lose, more domestic violence.)

12/20/2011: That’s the ESPN headline for this paper from 3 UO economists, using data from UO students: The gist: Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement?∗ Jason M. Lindo Isaac D. Swensen Glen R. Waddell American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Abstract: We consider the relationship between collegiate-football success and…

Stereotype threat

11/3/2011: I’m no psychology professor but Claude Steele is, and he has done some fascinating work on “stereotype threat”. The classic experiment is to tell women everyone knows women are bad at math, just before they take a math quiz. They do worse. It works in reverse too. Or so…