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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Pres Schill and Kevin Reed continue work to weaken shared governance

Long story. Back in 2012 Interim UO President Bob Berdahl commissioned this memo from then General Counsel Randy Geller, on how he could disband the UO Senate and ensure its former committees were staffed with his lackeys. Snippets: This abolitionist effort failed. President Schill has adopted a more indirect, long…

Pres Schill on DACA

Dear University of Oregon colleagues, Next week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is important to the University of Oregon because for students on our campus, and at other universities across the country, DACA helps provide…

Updated with Barran’s response: UO’s lawyer Paula Barran significantly exaggerated Freyd comparator’s grant to Judge McShane

Update, 11/4/2019: Dear Readers – Last week (Halloween to be precise) I received a letter from Attorney Peter Jarvis of the HK law firm. At his request I’ve added the full text to this post (at the bottom) and the pdf is here. He is representing Attorney Paula Barran, who…