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UO Matters

Trustees get Neurons to Minds talk at Day 2 of BOT meeting

FRIDAY: 8:30 am: Liveblog disclaimer: I’m no neuroscience professor. 2. Research Area in Focus ‐ Neuroscience:    Chris Doe, Professor of Biology and Co‐Director of the  Institute  of  Neuroscience  (ION);  Chris Doe starts off with a talk about how scientists can now grow self-organizing functional clusters of neurons from skin cells, and use these to study early brain-development and study drug effectiveness. David McCormick, Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology, Yale University McCormick…

Board of Trustees to meet Thursday, Friday

All sessions in the Ford Alumni Center Giustina Ballroom. The BOT’s hard to navigate website is here. Livecast here. Here’s what you need to know, with handy links. Live-blog if I have time. THURSDAY: 8AM: Academic and Student Affairs Committee  Materials. 1.School and College Finances: Allocation Redesign, Provost Hiring Initiative, and Existing Gap Analyses:Scott Coltrane, Senior Vice President and Provost; Brad Shelton, Senior Vice Provost for Budget and Strategic Planning; Christoph Lindner, Dean, College of Design 2. Student Health Insurance – Model and Practices: Roger Thompson, Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, and LeAnn Gutierrez, Executive Director of the University Health Center 10AM: Finance and Facilities Committee…

USC Honors faculty residence hall adviser reveals all in shocking expose!

InsideHigherEd, here: I moved into an apartment in a University of Southern California undergraduate residence hall as an assistant professor in the summer of 1989. … Over the years, I’ve watched the USC student affairs function and staff professionalize, just as they have at most other institutions. Positions that were…

OSU’s State Affairs Director Jock Mills provides new legislative update

Jock has developed quite a following among those at UO who are interested in what’s happening in Salem, given that UO’s own State Affairs Office has a hard time rounding up 5 votes in the HECC. His latest: From: “Mills, Jock” <[email protected]> Subject: [Government_Relations_Update] May Update: Revenue issues, upcoming deadlines, and…

Tuition increase backstory

Reporter Max Thornberry in the Emerald, here: …Current ASUO leadership disagrees with its predecessors. External Vice President Vickie Gimm told the Emerald that Haaga and Fisher did not represent her because they are graduating seniors who “should not be speaking on behalf of the students who will be affected by…

Chronicle of Higher Ed posts positive story about UO, Freyd gets award

This may be a first. Past Chronicle stories about UO have focused on such negatives as Bob Berdhahl’s double dipping, Richard Lariviere’s firing, Mike Gottfredson’s efforts to subvert academic freedom, Randy Geller’s attempt to convince the Trustees to destroy the UO Senate, the hilariously over the top Duck athletic spending, and…